What is the HitchHiker Reading? (Updated 2024.5.02)

This is a list of books I have been reading since LUANCH. Not every book I read gets a mention, but this is a pretty comprehensive list. Enjoy!

The Message of the Sermon on the Mount by John Stott (2024.05.01)

Recommendation: Just started it, but if it is like anything else I have read form John Stott, it will be a wonderful and educational adventure!

Not In It to Win It – Why Choosing Sides Sidelines the Church by Andy Stanley (2024.04.10)

Recommendation: Well, I guess it’s official; I’m a heretic. Why? Because I read and enjoyed it even though those who hadn’t read it declared it “heretical.” It’s been a long time since a writer has challenged me like this, and Stanley did just that. Sure he uses hyperbole, shock language, and more, but it is with a purpose to reawaken the church from its pharisaical slumber. I have preached, taught, and written that we must look to the early church for guidance on how to make Christ relevant in todays unchurched/de-churched/post-churched culture. How do we introduce them to the Jesus the first disciples experienced? He makes a compelling argument. But beware; you might find yourself in the ranks of heretics like Peter, Paul, John, and maybe even the HitchHiker!

Bullies and Saints – An Honest Look At the Good and Evil of Christian History by Andy Stanley (2024.03.14)

Recommendation: Finally a church history book that plays fair! Dickson is incredibly honest about when we, Christianity, have been at our best and our worst. If you are someone who thinks Christianity is perfect, or those who think it’s horrible, this is definitely not the book for you. But I believe this is a book that doesn’t sugar coat our failures committed in the name of the church, but also highlights the amazing things we have done in the name of Christ!!

Through the Bible Through the Year by John Stott (2024.03.20)

Recommendation: I bought this last Summer, and began using it near the end of August so the daily reflections lined up with Christmas. This is a dynamite book to use for daily devotions as Stott has an amazing way of making the voices of faith come alive in you own life.

Not In It to Win It – Why Choosing Sides Sidelines the Church by Andy Stanley (2024.02.23)

Recommendation: Andy Stanley is not my usual fare, but I was drawn to this book by a dispute between two people I care for, both evangelical-minded. The accusation is that Stanley, the son of the iconic Evangelical preacher Charles Stanley, has left the Old Testament behind and is embracing heresy.

From what I can tell, Stanley did not break ranks with Christianity; he broke ranks with a particular tradition within Christianity. He makes compelling arguments supported by scriptures from the Old and New Testaments and plenty of historical information. I found it surprising that Stanley cited authors I used in my dissertation, such as Rodney Stark and James Davison Hunter. Whether you are a right-winger, left-winger, or middle-winger, I challenge you to read this book rather than the headlines and opinion pieces from his far-right critics, who may be more motivated by their politics and emotions rather than theology. I’ll let you decide. FYI – I had “J” listen to the audio of this book and she loved it! That says something coming from one raised in the fundamentalist tradition.

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (2023.11.30)

Recommendation: Guess whose back, back again. Screwtape’s back, back again! I have lost track of how many times I have read this book.

But I can never get enough of seeing Christian faith through the eyes of senior “tempter” as he corresponds with his nephew advising the junior “tempter” on how to corrupt his “patient” and win him for “our Father below.” Unfortunately, the “Enemy” sent by God (the Son of God) seems to thwart these effort at every corner. A masterpiece of satire!

Your Mind Matters by John Stott (2023.11.17)

Recommendation: I always found it interesting that in the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4) says we are to love God with all our “heart”, “soul”, and “might,” yet “mind” is not mentioned. In the Gospels, Jesus appears to add “mind.” This book is for everyone who understands that we are not only to love God with our emotions, spirits, and earthly assets, but we are also use our noggins!! This little book is a gem.

The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming by Henri J.M. Nouwen (2023.10.28)

Recommendation: If you have not read this book, you must! Many of us have trouble relating to the so-called “prodigal son” as we see a totally broken person we cannot relate to. But how many of us see ourselves in the totally broken “older brother?” And yet even if we are the older or younger brother, are we missing the obvious fact that the Father loves us both?

Stories of an Everyday Pilgrim – Volume 1 by Esther Hizsa (2023.09.20)

Recommendation: I found this book while searching for another from a different author. I found it intriguing and order it, and am absolutely blown away by the incites, stories, and even poetry from this pastor, spiritual director, and author from Vancouver. I read one reflection/story each day as part of my devotional time. I even sent her an email about how deeply moved I was by the first few readings, and she took the time to write me back. I also own volumes 2 (Seed Cracked Open) and 3 (In the Heart of the Beloved), to start when I finished this one. You can also find Esther on the web: www.estherhizsaq.com

The Gifts of the Jews – The How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels by Thomas Cahill (2023.08.25)

Recommendation: “!woW” This is an important book to read; it will open your eyes. Imagine such a change in worldview from people directing or petitioning their gods to The God who initiates and directs.

How the Irish Saved Civilization – The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medievil Europe by Thomas Cahill (2023.08.07)

Recommendation: HitchHiker is back on his St. Patrick kick! And much more. Cahill is not only infinitely readable, his detail is amazing. As the Roman Empire fell to the Germanic “barbarians,” the illiterate Irish were undergoing an amazing transformation that would save the classical literature of the Greeks and Romans, but more importantly the Scriptures. You will meet Columba, Aidan, Brigit, Columba, Gall, and many more. HitchHiker’s Irish blood is surfacing above his Roman!

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The Myth of Closure – Ambiguous Loss in a Time of Pandemic and Change by Pauline Boss (currently reading as of 2023.07.14)

Recommendation: This book was recommended to me as I find myself grieving way more than the deaths of my parents. I am grieving to loss of the prepandemic church family, the loss of civility in society, and much more, and all are rooted in ambiguous loss. I don’t care what side you are on in the theology, societal, political, or science/medicine/COVID wars, you need to read this book. It may just help you understand that your behaviors and feelings may be rooted in ambiguous loss and grief, and she provides some good material/homework to help you find peace without closure.

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The Radical Disciple – Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling by John Stott (2023.05.22)

Recommendation: How’s this for a recommendation; I have already read this book twice since May! There are a couple of chapters that lean more toward political, which is often a turn off, but the rest of the chapters are dynamite! I am likely going to use this, John Stott’s last book, for an adult study at the church.

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Why I Am a Christian by John Stott (2023.05.22)

Recommendation: I bought this book because of the title and the author. John Stott’s no-nonsense style of writing helped me through my spiritual doctrine class in seminary, so I was drawn to this. “J” and I listened to it on a long car ride, and she too was very impressed by his style. I then purchased and read the book. This is a wonderful and personal apologetic about why this man is a Christian. Stott went home to the Lord in July 2011, at the age of 90.

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LOVE – What life is all about… by Leo Buscaglia (2023.04.24)

Recommendation: I bought this book literally two days after my dad passed, because I needed a heavy dose of LOVE, the Professor of Love, and the maniac son of Italian Immigrants. This is not a Christian book, but it is a primer on how a Christian should be living! I have been reading and listening to Leo for years. He passed in 1998.

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The GIFT by Hafiz; translation by Daniel Ladinsky (2022.10.31)

Recommendation: I bought this book after returning from my clergy leave in October. I was introduced to Hafiz by my spiritual director on the silent retreat through a poem titled “The Seed Cracked Open.” Yes, a SUFI is from the mystical division of Islam, but some of the poems are very applicable to Christians. He even writes poetry about the Christ! I am reflecting on his poetry a few times per week.

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I Heard GOD Laughing by Hafiz; translation by Daniel Ladinsky (2022.10.31)

Recommendation: I bought this book in the same order as The GIFT and for the same reasons. I am reflecting on his poetry a few times per week.

Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places – Eugene H. Peterson (2022.10.05)

Recommendation: I never met him, but have been reading Peterson for two decades, and consider him a Christian mentor even though he went home to the Lord in 2018. If you are a Christian, you need to read this book. Full of scripture and practical advice on how to join Christ as he plays in all of his creation.

The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto – Mitch Albom (2022.10.12)

Recommendation: I grabbed this as something for the last leg of my roadtrip. I figured Mitch Albom was a safe bet. If you love music, history, imagination, and love, you must read this book. Even if you don’t, read this book! This is a likely a contender for a seat in my top ten list of fiction books I have ever read. It even introduced me to a music genre I have ignored, but not anymore.

Beatrice & Virgil – Yann Martel (2022.09.27)

Recommendation: I loved Life of Pi for its profundity. This goes in a whole other direction. This is a most unusual and eye opening book.

Pirate Latitudes – Michael Crichton (2022.09.26)

Recommendation: like I said before, I first fell in love with the writing of Michael Crichton as biology undergrad. This was published shortly after his passing, and it is simply fun!

The Cloud of Unknowing – Anonymous (2022.08.27)

Recommendation: Started it years ago, but it wasn’t the right time. The timing was right. This is not for everybody, because it’s hard work. But isn’t discipleship hard work?

The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide – Douglas Adams (began 2022.08.10)

Recommendation: If you have to ask why, you don’t understand this bLOG!

The Andromeda Evolution – Daniel H. Wilson under the name Michael Crichton (2022.08.01)

Recommendation: I first fell in love with the writing if Michael Crichton as biology undergrad when I read The Andromeda Strain. This is a sequel to that story written by Dan Wilson. It feels like Michael, and that is saying a great deal! Crichton also wrote Jurassic Park, Congo, Sphere, Timeline, Airframe, and much more!

Forgiven: The Amish School Shooting, A Mother’s Love, And a Story of Remarkable Grace -by Terri Roberts (2022.07.04)

Recommendation: Do you remember where you were the day of the Amish Schoolhouse killings? I was at a pastors’ retreat in Indiana on 2006.10.02. Terri remembers, because on that day her oldest son took five girls lives, wounded five others, and shot himself. Nine years after the event, she tells you how God helped her family, the Amish, Sandy Hook parents, herself, and so many others through the darkness of such a tragedy. And it started with conscious decisions and actions stemming from a theology of “Forgiveness” woven into the fabric of the Amish Christian faith. I could not put this book down; You have to read it!

Bluebeard – Kurt Vonnegut (2022.04.12)

Recommendation: “J” and I read this together and loved it. It is an autobiographical story told in the first person of a fictional aging Abstract Expressionist painter. The storyline loosely resembles the life of “Bluebeard” from the French fairytale by Charles Perrault, although our character doesn’t kill every woman he is in a relationship with; the main character makes this reference. Vonnegut’s writing paints a beautiful picture of the painter’s story. (Pun completely intended!) And yes, I am on a Vonnegut kick.

Cat’s Cradle – Kurt Vonnegut (2022.02.21)

Recommendation: This is a story of a writer who is writing a book called The Day the World Ended. Set in the early 1960s, this is bizarre, profound, satirical, and laugh out loud funny at moments. The date the world ended: August 6, 1945, at 8:15 a.m.

Welcome to the Monkey House – Kurt Vonnegut (2022.01.19)

Recommendation: This is a series of short stories. Strange, bold, and dark sense of humor and amazingly creative. Some stories are futuristic and others contemporary (mid 20th Century). Some seem almost prophetic.

The Pilgrim’s Progress – A Readable Modern-Day Version of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress – Alan Vermilye (2021.07.28)

Recommendation: Yes, this was my first time reading it! It is a wonderful allegorical treatment of the faith journey. Bunyan is like an ancestor to CS Lewis. And shout out to Vermilye’s modern English translation.

In the Name of Jesus – Reflections on Christian Leadership – Henri J.M Nouwen (2021.06.21)

Recommendation: Confession time; this is at least my fifth time reading this book. If you are a pastoral leader, read this book, and keep reading it! I have a member of our church family starting seminary in August 2021. This will be on her summer reading list!

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man – Emmanuel Acho (Finished 2021.06.14)

Recommendation: Emmanuel Acho is a former NFL player, and the son of Nigerian immigrant parents. His writing style is casual, comfortable, and transparent. You may not agree with everything Emmanuel says, but you must agree to read this book!! Make sure you read the Introduction.

The Bible Tells Me So… Why Defending the Bible has Made Us Unable to Read It. – Peter Enns (finished 2020.06.05)

Recommendation: Enns often finds himself under fire simply because he was trained as an Evangelical scholar, but then he took a step out of the tradition that bred him and into a world that also has claimed the likes of Rob Bell. There are moments when I want to throw this book across the room, and others where I find myself saying, “Dang, why didn’t I think of that!” Sometimes it is good to challenge ourselves to look outside of our “tradition” and hear what other people of faith are saying. You don’t have to believe it, but you must engage it!

Caught Up in Christ: Spiritual First-Aid for Believers and Seekers – Rick Merfeld (finished 2021.06.05)

Recommendation: Yes Friends, the Hitchhiker is engaged in personal reading once again! And what a gem to start with. Truth be told, Rick is a personal friend. He is not clergy, nor is he Presbyterian. Shh!!! He’s Catholic. But do not let this derail you. Rick lays down a wonderfully Biblical offering for the walking wounded in a world that believes truth is whatever people decide it is. This book contains divine TRUTH!

Collected Stories: Everyman’s Library – Roald Dahl (2020.06.27)

Recommendation: From the author who gave us children’s literature such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, and The BFG, Dahl was also a genius in adult short fiction. I am told that many of his short stories could have been episodes on The Twilight Zone, and indeed were they were used in a BBC series known as Tales of the Unexpected. This is no Willy Wonka!

Confronting Christianity – 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion. Rebecca McLaughlin. (2020.03.29)

Recommendation: Her writing style is comfortable and engaging. This is one of the best apologetics I have read in many years. I will be using this book to teach an adult classes in the fall. I am not surprised that Christianity Today gave this book an award!

All I really need to know I learned from watching Star Trek – Dave Marinaccio (2020.03.17)

Recommendation: Marinaccio is a marketing guy, so this is written from a secular perspective. It is a fun read, and each section is in small digestible bites.

Three Mile an Hour God. Kosuke Koyama (2020.02.01)

Recommendation: The writing of this Japanese Christian Theologian is thought provoking and wonderful. Each topic gets about three to four pages, and is wonderfully profound. I went an ordered another book written by him!

The Shema – Spirituality and Law in Judaism. Norman Lamm (2019.12.21)

Recommendation: Sermon series preparation. It gives awesome insights into the Jewish mindset and history on the amazing prayer of Hebrew identity. “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you might.” Deuteronomy 6:4-5

The Case for ChristmasA Journalist Investigates the Identity of the Child in the Manger. Lee Strobel ( 2019.10.24)

Recommendation: Good little book that I recommend you read every year sometime after Thanksgiving to remind you why Christmas is important.

Exodus – Why Americans Are Fleeing Liberal Churches for Conservative Christianity. Dave Shiflett (2019.10.25)

Recommendation: I was intrigued by the title as I have studied the massive decline of the mainline Protestant traditions . Don’t be confused by the sub-title because he is speaking theology, not politics. His thesis is that the more a church (denominations, traditions) drifts from orthodoxy in theology, the smaller they make God; and the smaller they make God, the smaller the church gets. In other words, belief in the affirmations of faith set forth in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds are essential for faith and supported by scripture. Unfortunately, he is not as even handed as he could have been because there are some on the extreme right who can make God just as small as those on the far left.

Saint Patrick Retold; The Legend and History of Ireland’s Patron Saint. Roy Fletcher (2019.09.05)

Recommendation: Fletcher takes scant historical and archaeological evidence and tries to piece together a clearer picture of this legendary figure. This is a little heady for the average reader, but good stuff for a nerdy type like me.

Seven Stories of Christmas Love. Leo Buscaglia (2019.09.02)

Recommendation: If you have never heard of Leo Buscaglia, you should! Check out his writings and PBS specials on YouTube. He’s been gone for over two decades, but his legacy of love lives on!

Winnie the Pooh. A.A. Milne (2019.08.01)

Recommendation: I think I just might make a visit to the “Hundred Aker Wood” in the summer of 2020!

Making Sense of God – Finding God in the Modern World. Timothy Keller (2019.06.18)

Recommendation: A good book for those who are skeptical, and those Christians who walk alongside them.

Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 to 2069. William Strauss & Neil Howe (2019.06.17)

Recommendation: The book is excellent at historical perspectives (read it for this). Because it was published in 1991, it does not take into account the rise of smart technology, 9/11, the economic crisis of 2008, or the 2016 election, all of which are dramatic secular crises. It leaves me asking questions ; Did the Boomers let us down, have the 13ers (Xers) ever stepped up, and are the Millenials forcing a fundamentalist “religion” on us? Just the random thoughts of a practical minded 13er!

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (completed 2019.05.19)

Recommendation: Pretty good little book. Lots of imagery, illusions, and direct references to Scripture, but make no mistake; this is not a Christian book. The reflections on the relationship between shepherd and sheep are fun to ponder. A nice book about journeying in life, as the author puts it; seeking one’s “personal legend.”

Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry (Reread 2019.06.01)

Recommendation: What can I say? I read it again. The thing that jumps out in this first person narrative is how the landscape changes over life. It also documents well how our society has changed from a self-sufficient, productive, community centered, simple agrarian culture to a reliant, consumeristic, self-absorbed, complex culture. Lastly, there is a faith component as the main character fulfills his call to ministry not as a preacher but as a town barber.

Surprised By Hope by N.T. Wright (completed 2019.04.21)

Recommendation: This is an important book to challenge your views on life, death, resurrection. And Wright is Biblically very sound.